What Happens When I Withdraw From Classes?
In accordance with Federal Government Regulations, when a Federal 金融援助 recipient withdraws from 所有 classes during a term, 这是365球赛平台县学院的责任,以确定退出日期和金额的经济援助,他们已经获得. 这可能会导致财政援助资金的支付和欠学校的账单.
How Do You Determine How Much 援助 I Have Earned?
在一个学期内, 365球赛平台县学院财务援助办公室将每两周生成一份关于学生注册状态变化的报告.
At the end of a term, 365球赛平台县学院财务援助办公室将生成一份报告,列出所有获得全部或组合“w”身份的受援者, F级, ‘D’ status and ‘C’ status after the beginning of the reporting term.
学生获得的第四章联邦援助(助学金/贷款)的金额然后按比例确定,直到学期结束的60%. This is known as a Return of Title IV Funds 计算.*
例如, 如果学生完成了30%的学期,那么将获得最初授予的30%的援助.
*The return of Title IV Funds 计算 is different from 365球赛平台s 退还学费 计算.
How Do You Determine My Withdrawal Date?
- Official withdrawal: A student is considered “offici所有y withdrawn” if the Ocean County College 招生 and 记录 office is notified of an intent to withdraw either in writing (Add/Drop Form), 通过电话, or online through 365球赛平台连接.
- Unofficial Withdrawal: 如果学生没有提供正式通知而停止上课.
- 医疗: 如果由于学生无法控制的情况(疾病)而没有提供正式的退学意向通知, 事故, 个人损失, 等.在这种情况下,学生可以向学校提出非正式的退学决定 Refund Appeals Committee.
- Official withdrawal: 学生提供365球赛平台正式通知或开始退课程序的日期, 以较晚的为准.
- Unofficial Withdrawal: 365球赛平台发现学生停止上课的日期将被确定为退学日期. 该日期将在学期结束后不迟于30天内确定.
从F到W申诉:这些请求由学术标准委员会接受和审查. 因情有可原的情况而错过课程退课截止日期且课程成绩为F的学生, can submit an appeal and supporting documentation for review. 通过的申诉将允许学院将不及格成绩改为退学. Use this link to submit an F to W Appeal Request Form.
Post Withdrawal Disbursement
如果你的第四章联邦援助(赠款/贷款)“赚”的总金额在你的退出日期是 更多的 than the amount that was disbursed, 这两个数额之间的差额将作为提款后付款处理.
In the event that there are outstanding charges on your account, 365球赛平台将把提款后的全部或部分款项记入该账户(不包括贷款)。, up to the amount of the 所有owable charges.
任何未记入您帐户的提款后付款金额将在您确定提款之日起30天内提供给您. Upon receipt of a timely response from you, 学院将在您确定取款之日起90天内支付这笔资金.
如果您在通知发出之日起14天内回复,365球赛平台县学院保留决定是否进行取款后付款的权利. 如果365球赛平台决定不支付这笔取款后的费用,它将以书面形式通知学生.
Return of Unearned Funds to Title IV
如果在您退出日期“获得”的第四章联邦援助(赠款/贷款)总额为 少 than the amount that was disbursed, 两个金额之间的差额将退还给标题四计划,并且不会再进行支付.
If a student has received excess funds, 学院必须退还与以下两项中较小者相等的部分:
The entire amount of the excess funds.
根据联邦法规的规定,资金将按以下顺序返还, within 30 days from the date of determination that a student withdrew.
- Unsubsidized Federal 工作人员ord Loans
- Subsidized Federal 工作人员ord Loans
- 联邦PLUS贷款
- 联邦佩尔助学金
- Academic Competitiveness Grant
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
In the event that there is remaining unearned 援助, the student is responsible for returning those funds. 如果要归还的资助是以贷款的形式发放给学生(或家长,如果是PLUS贷款)借款人, 学生(或家长)可以在一段时间内按照本票的条款偿还贷款. If the 援助 to be returned is in the form of grant funds, 法律规定,学生可以偿还联邦助学金的50%,而不是100%. 学院将把学生的资助义务归还给适当的联邦计划.
学校的部分和学生的部分返还给项目的不劳而获的援助将被记入学生的账户, as provided for in federal regulations.
第四章资金的返还与学院的学费退款政策是分开的. 以下是365球赛平台戒断治疗的一个例子, 退还学费, and return of Title IV funds.